My part-time job is wonderful learning place. First, I can learn the importance of cooperation with my colleagues. If someone makes a mistake, we have to help each other. Actually, my senior apologized to the customers with me when I made a mistake. From such experience, I came to think that I would cooperate when someone make a mistake. I think that my colleague's failures are also my own failures. Second, I can deal with a lot of people. Customers of various ages such as children and adults come to my part-time job place. Therefore, I have many opportunities to talk with them because I have been doing a hospitality industry. Communication skill also improves by engaging with lots of people. Third, I can learn the importance of money. I have depended on my parents for all things until I began to a part-time job. However, since I began a part time job, I try to buy what I need as much as I can. Then I learned how difficult it is to earn money. Learning the importance of money also leads to leaning to appreciate parents. For these reasons, I think that my part-time job is the best learning place to learn various things and I'm proud of my part -time job.
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